Alfred Nobel biography

Alfred Nobel biography

Alfred Nobel biography

Alfred Nobel biography

 the great scientist and founder of the Nobel Prize

 Friends, the Nobel Prize is the world's greatest award. It is awarded annually to those individuals who make very important contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, literature, medicine, economics and peace.

A Nobel Prize is awarded in each field. If more than one person is found eligible for the award in any subject, then the prize money is distributed equally among all the individuals. The award was instituted by Alfred Bernhard Nobel, who is considered the originator of explosive science.

An explosive called dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel. He earned so much money from this explosive that when he died, he left a sum of 9 million dollars. He wrote a will while dying.

It was written in this will that this money be deposited in the bank and the interest received from it in the form of a prize every year in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace, to the people who do important work in the world. Be provided.

Today we call this as the Nobel Prize. The award was instituted in 1901. In addition to this money, a gold medal and a certificate are awarded under the Nobel Prize.

Nobel was born on October 21, 1833 in Stockholm (Sweden). His father Emanuel Nobel was a man from a poor peasant family. He held the post of an army engineer. From his father he understood the basic principles of engineering. Nobel was also interested in research like his father. Like his two elder brothers Robert and Ludwig, he also got his early education at home.

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In 1842, Nobel's family moved from Stockholm to Petersburg (Leningrad) to his father. The young Nobel was a skilled chemist and spoke English, French, German, Russian and Swedish very well in 16 years. In 1850, he left Russia.

For a year thereafter, he studied chemistry in Paris and for four years studied in the United States under the supervision of John Irixion. On his return to Petersburg after study, Nobel worked in his father's factory. Unfortunately in 1859, his father's factory went bankrupt.

After this failure, both father and son returned to Sweden. Here Nobel started experiments on explosives. The two fathers set up a small workshop for their research at a place called Hollenberg near Stockholm and began making explosive materials such as nitroglycerin.

It was a matter of great misfortune that a horrific accident occurred in his workshop in 1864. The entire workshop exploded due to the explosion of nitroglycerin, and his younger brother and four other people died in the same accident. The Swedish government was extremely angry after this accident and was not allowed to restore the workshop. After this Nobel was called a mad scientist.

A month after this incident, Nobel's father suffered from paralysis, rendering him useless for the rest of his life. This made Nobel absolutely alone. Nobel planned to set up his factory in Norway and Germany but could not make any changes in the lethal and explosive properties of nitroglycerin.

The accident that happened in the Nobel workshop was not alone in itself. The Nobel factory in Germany blew up with a dangerous explosion. Along with this, a Panama seaplane also fell prey to explosives. Several similar explosions occurred in St. Francisco, New York and Australia.

Finally, Belgium and France banned the manufacture of nitroglycerin in their country. Sweden banned its distribution and Britain also banned its use.

Invention of dynamite

With all these restrictions, Nobel faced many troubles. In 1866, an incident occurred. One day nitroglycerin (NG) seeped out of a box. This box was packed in soil called Keiselgur. Nobel observed that it was more protective to use nitroglycerin once absorbed into this soil. In this case it did not explode even when the explosive struck.

Thus Nobel found a safe means of handling nitroglycerin. The explosive power of this explosive was only 25% less when absorbed in this substance. Nobel named this safe explosive dynamite.

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After this, many Nobel factories developed. The manufacture and sale of nitroglycerin raised the star of Nobel's fortune. In 1887, he discovered an explosive substance called Ballistite. This substance was smokeless nitroglycerin powder. Many countries started using this powder as gunpowder.

Nobel had received more than 100 patents on explosives in his life. His name was famous all over the world. He earned immense wealth from these explosives.

When Nobel died on December 10, 1896, he left a sum of 9 million dollars, the interest of which is now paid every year as a Nobel Prize. The awards are distributed on the Nobel death anniversary in Stockholm. Children of the world are familiar with his name today.

Nobel was a lonely loved man and remained unmarried throughout his life. He remained diseased for most of his life. He became so famous in the world that the 102nd element was named after him Nobelium. There is a very famous institute in Sweden which is named Nobel Institute of Sweden. As long as there is life on earth, even then this scientist will probably not be forgotten.

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