Pythagoras Biography

Pythagoras Biography

Pythagoras Biography

Pythagoras Biography

was a famous Greek philosopher and mathematician. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Alexander also belong to them. Remember, whatever message Pythagoras gave, verbalized all the calculations in mathematics, he did not write a single word in his hands. The popular theorem of ''Pythagoras "The square on the curb in a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the remaining two arms" This theorem was known 1000 years before the Pythagoras of the Babylonian (present-day Iraq), but Pythagoras was the first person. Were. Who did this?

Pythagoras was rich in versatility; he used to play passionately. His hobby continues until death. He had an equal hold on poetry, mathematics, astronomy, music, geometric, etc. He used to teach Later he opened a school associated with philosophy and religion. Many people became his followers. He described Pythagoreanism as the establishment of a religious movement. He is shortened as a great mathematician, mystic, and scientist. In the sixth century BCE, Pythagoras had an important place in religious teaching and philosophy. Pythagoras believed that everything is related to mathematics and numbers are the reality through which everything can be predicted.

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Pythagoras himself was called a philosopher and fact. Plato followed his ideas, his geometrical one being roughly estimated around 560 BC. He was a resident of Samos in Greece. His mother's name was Pythachas and father Manesarchus was a character. Croton began to move to South Italy, leaving the country at a young age. He spent some of his time with priests in Egypt and studied various geometrical theories. The result of this study came out in the form of his theorem - Pythagoras theorem, which is still taught around the world.

Returning from Egypt to Italy, he established a secret religious society. He made efforts to improve the cultural life of Croton. In this sequence, people were motivated to follow virtue. He also opened a school for boys and girls. The rules of this school were very strict. People living inside the inner part of the school used to eat vegetarian food and had no personal property. People living in the outer part of the same school could do non-vegetarian and also keep private property. The name of people living in the inner part of the school is recorded in history as the first sanyasi of the world.

In his philosophy, Pythagoras lived a simple orbit, and he preached religious, equitable, food, exercise, reading, music. | In the last days of his life, some of the crotons became his enemies and left him in the Metapontum to recent him. He died around 450 BC at the age of about 90.

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